I. Introduction
The Center for Environmental Intelligence (CEI) is proud to announce the launch of its ENVISION Grant Program for 2024. ENVISION stands for ” “ENVironmental Innovation for Sustainability and Intelligent solutiONs”, reflecting our commitment to fostering innovative solutions for environmental challenges and sustainable development.
The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) saw Vietnam make a commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. However, without immediate action, Vietnam is projected to lose approximately 12 to 14.5 percent of its GDP annually, according to the World Bank, due to the impacts of environmental pollution and climate change. Environmental stewardship — encompassing adaptation to climate changes, mitigation of emissions, and fostering a sustainable culture — is quickly becoming a key prerequisite for Vietnam’s growth strategy.
Acknowledging the urgent need of this new era to be both technologically creative and environmentally responsible, the Center for Environmental Intelligence (CEI) focuses on understanding and addressing environmental and sustainability challenges through interdisciplinary approaches. These approaches integrate insights from fields such as environmental sciences, computer sciences, economics, and green technology. CEI strives to drive transformative solutions for a sustainable future and facilitate connections among experts from around the world to collectively solve sustainable development issues on a global scale.
The Center focuses its resources on three main pillars: (i) Environmental Monitoring; (ii) Living lab: smart cities, energy efficiency, and green technologies; and (iii) Digital Materials Science.
II. Funding Opportunities
The CEI ENVISION Grant Program 2024 offers two categories of funding to support research initiatives aligned with our three main pillars:
ENVISION Grassroots Grants
These smaller-scale projects are designed to kickstart research and proposal development processes. They aim to generate preliminary outcomes that can enhance the likelihood of success for larger external funding proposals.
ENVISION Flagship Grants
These larger initiatives are intended to support more comprehensive research efforts that have the potential for significant impact in addressing environmental and sustainability challenges.
III. Eligibility
All full-time faculty members at VinUniversity are eligible to apply. In cases where there is insufficient funding available to support all high-scoring proposals, priority may be given to funding proposals submitted by early career, research-active faculty members.
IV. Application Process
Important note
V. Application Review Process
Each proposal will undergo a comprehensive review process, which includes:
VI. Timeframe
Research projects are expected to be completed within 3 years. Extensions may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
VII. Reporting
VIII. Submission and Contact Information
For any questions about the application process or the CEI ENVISION Grant Program, please contact: cei@vinuni.edu.vn